{{ t[1] }}
{{ r[1] }}
{{ d[1] }}
block hash {{ chaininfo.bestblockhash }} ...
block height {{ blocks[chaininfo.bestblockhash].height }} ...
block age {{ (now - blocks[chaininfo.bestblockhash].time) | timeInterval }} ...
downloaded {{ (nettotals.totalbytesrecv / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(0) }}MiB ...
uploaded {{ (nettotals.totalbytessent / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(0) }}MiB ...
uptime {{ uptime | timeInterval }} ...
peers {{ peers.length }} ...
hashrate {{ (mininginfo.networkhashps/1000000000000).toFixed(0) }}TH/s ...
chain {{ mininginfo.chain }} ...
{{ mininginfo.warnings }}

send some bitcoins

Fee: {{ wallet_createpsbt.fee }} in {{ input.witness_utxo.amount }}: {{ input.witness_utxo.scriptPubKey.address }}
{{ tx.txid }} {{ tx.address }} {{ (now - tx.timereceived) | timeInterval }} {{ tx.amount }} BTC {{ tx.confirmations }} conf

block template (next update in {{ Math.max(0, Math.floor(15 - (now - last_updated))) | timeInterval }})

the chart shows the feerate at each byte of the block this node would currently generate.

last block: {{ blocks[chaininfo.bestblockhash].height }} ({{ (now - blocks[chaininfo.bestblockhash].time) | timeInterval }} ago) [{{ now - blocks[chaininfo.bestblockhash].time | blockIntervalBar }}]

mempool info (next update in {{ Math.max(0, Math.floor(range/4 - (now - last_updated))) | timeInterval }}) (age {{ (now - mempoolbins.time) | timeInterval }})

Transactions: {{ mempoolbins.size }} {{ mempoolbins.size_segwit !== "?" ? `(${mempoolbins.size_segwit} segwit)` : "" }}

Size: {{ mempoolbins.bytes }} bytes

Fees: {{ (mempoolbins.fees / 10**5).toFixed(2) }} mBTC

mempool contents

this bin cumulative
limits / sat/b tx size / B amt / mBTC tx size / B amt / mBTC
{{ bin[0] }} - {{ (bin[1] < 21*(10**14)) ? bin[1] : 'max' }} {{ bin[2] }} {{ bin[3] }} {{ (bin[4]/(10**5)).toFixed(2) }} {{ bin[5] }} {{ bin[6] }} {{ (bin[7]/(10**5)).toFixed(2) }}


age height hash fees/mBTC fees/% tx txSW/% log2(work) size/MiB
{{ (now - block.time) | timeInterval }} {{ block.height }} {{ block.hash }} {{ (block.fees*1000).toFixed(2) }} {{ (block.fees*100/(block.fees + block.subsidy)).toFixed(2) }} {{ block.tx_count }} {{ (block.tx_count_segwit*100/block.tx_count).toFixed(1) }} {{ (Math.log(parseInt(block.chainwork, 16))/Math.log(2)).toFixed(3) }} {{ (block.size/1048576).toFixed(3) }}


address subver inbound connected blocks recv / MiB sent / MiB
{{ peer.addr }} {{ peer.subver.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") }} {{ peer.inbound ? "y" : "n" }} {{ (now - peer.conntime) | timeInterval }} {{ peer.synced_blocks }} {{ (peer.bytesrecv/1048576).toFixed(2) }} {{ (peer.bytessent/1048576).toFixed(2) }}
{{ debug_output }}